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Complete piston with rings and pin CITROËN C3 II (SC_) 1.6 HDi

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of COMPLETE PISTON WITH RINGS AND PIN for CITROËN C3 II (SC_) 1.6 HDi. K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a COMPLETE PISTON WITH RINGS AND PIN for a CITROËN C3 II (SC_) 1.6 HDi, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Title:Piston with rings and pin
Car:Citroen Peugeot Ford Volvo Berlingo C4 DS5 Spacetour 207 2008 Expert Teepe Partner Grand C-Max Focus B-Max V50 S40 V70 9HD (DV6C) 1,6 Hdi/TDCi 2011+
Weight  :0,66 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75 mm
Standard Size [STD]: yes
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 65,15 mm
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Netto price: $120.81 ($120.81 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $72.49 ($72.49 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 16 pcs

General information

Title:Piston with rings and pin
Car:Citroen Peugeot Ford Volvo Berlingo C4 DS5 Spacetour 207 2008 Expert Teepe Partner Grand C-Max Focus B-Max V50 S40 V70 9HD (DV6C) 1,6 Hdi/TDCi 2011+
Weight  :0,67 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,5 mm
Oversize [mm]: 0,5 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
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Netto price: $120.81 ($120.81 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $72.49 ($72.49 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: > 25 pcs

General information

Title:Piston with rings and pin
Car:Citroën Berlingo C3/C4/C5 Jumpy Ford C-Max-II Focus-III Peugeot 207/208/308/408/508/2008/3008/4008/5008 Expert Partner Volvo C30/S40/S60/S80/V40/V50/V60/V70 1,6HDi/1,6TDCi 9HC/9HD/9HF/9HH/9HL/9HP/9HR/DC6C/DV6D 2010+
Weight  :0,68 kg


Production Number: 075259
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75 mm
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,06 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,7 mm
Length [mm]: 65,15 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Component Number: 62509
Component Number: 66124
Component Number: 66125
Standard Size [STD]: yes
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
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Netto price: $141.38 ($141.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $84.83 ($84.83 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Title:Piston with rings and pin
Car:Citroën Berlingo C3/C4/C5 Jumpy Ford C-Max-II Focus-III Peugeot 207/208/308/408/508/2008/3008/4008/5008 Expert Partner Volvo C30/S40/S60/S80/V40/V50/V60/V70 1,6HDi/1,6TDCi 9HC/9HD/9HF/9HH/9HL/9HP/9HR/DC6C/DV6D 2010+
Weight  :0,70 kg


Production Number: 075259
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,6 mm
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,06 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,7 mm
Length [mm]: 65,15 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Component Number: 66270
Component Number: 66271
Component Number: 66272
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Repair stage: 0,60
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
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Netto price: $141.38 ($141.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $84.83 ($84.83 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Brand: MAHLE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,42 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,009 mm
Length [mm]: 65,2 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,7 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Machined: with cut-out for oil jet
Surface: Coated
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Top Land Height [mm]: 8,5 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
Production Number: 75 L 101
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,064 mm
Component Number: 1. T 2.5 CrK
Component Number: 2. NM1.95 Cr P
Component Number: 3. DSF 2.0 Cr
Net Weight [g]: 635 g
Packaging length [cm]: 8,5 cm
Packaging width [cm]: 8,50 cm
Packaging height [cm]: 8,60 cm
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Netto price: $118.05 ($118.05 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $82.63 ($82.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check

General information

Brand: MAHLE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,00 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,259 mm
Length [mm]: 65,2 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,7 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Machined: with cut-out for oil jet
Surface: Coated
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Top Land Height [mm]: 8,5 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
Production Number: 75 L 101
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,064 mm
Component Number: 1. T 2.5 CrK
Component Number: 2. NM1.95 Cr P
Component Number: 3. DSF 2.0 Cr
Packaging length [cm]: 10,0 cm
Packaging width [cm]: 10,00 cm
Packaging height [cm]: 13,80 cm
Net Weight [g]: 630 g
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Netto price: $118.05 ($118.05 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $82.63 ($82.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check

General information

Brand: MAHLE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,00 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,509 mm
Length [mm]: 65,2 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,7 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Machined: with cut-out for oil jet
Surface: Coated
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Top Land Height [mm]: 8,5 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
Production Number: 75 L 101
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,064 mm
Component Number: 1. T 2.5 CrK
Component Number: 2. NM1.95 Cr P
Component Number: 3. DSF 2.0 Cr
Net Weight [g]: 636 g
Packaging length [cm]: 8,5 cm
Packaging width [cm]: 8,50 cm
Packaging height [cm]: 8,60 cm
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Netto price: $118.05 ($118.05 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $82.63 ($82.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check

General information

Brand: MAHLE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,00 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,009 mm
Length [mm]: 65 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,5 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Machined: with cut-out for oil jet
Surface: Coated
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Top Land Height [mm]: 8,5 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
Production Number: 75L101
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,064 mm
Component Number: 1. T 2.5 CrK
Component Number: 2. NM1.95 Cr P
Component Number: 3. DSF 2.0 Cr
Net Weight [g]: 635 g
Packaging length [cm]: 8,5 cm
Packaging width [cm]: 8,50 cm
Packaging height [cm]: 8,60 cm
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Netto price: $118.05 ($118.05 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $82.63 ($82.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check

General information

Brand: MAHLE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,00 kg


Cylinder Bore [mm]: 75,509 mm
Length [mm]: 65 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,5 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 13,9 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45 mm
Machined: with cut-out for oil jet
Surface: Coated
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Top Land Height [mm]: 8,5 mm
Connecting Rod Design: Trapezoidal Connecting Rod
Production Number: 75L101
Piston Clearance [mm]: 0,064 mm
Component Number: 1. T 2.5 CrK
Component Number: 2. NM1.95 Cr P
Component Number: 3. DSF 2.0 Cr
Net Weight [g]: 635 g
Packaging length [cm]: 8,5 cm
Packaging width [cm]: 8,50 cm
Packaging height [cm]: 8,60 cm
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Netto price: $118.05 ($118.05 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $82.63 ($82.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check

General information

Brand: NE
Title:Piston with rings and pin
Weight  :0,66 kg


Standard Size [STD]: yes
Bore Diameter [mm]: 75,00 mm
Length [mm]: 65,10 mm
Compression Height [mm]: 41,70 mm
Recess Diameter [mm]: 45,00 mm
Recess Depth 1 [mm]: 14,00 mm
Bolt Head Diameter [mm]: 26,00 mm
Bolt Length [mm]: 61,00 mm
Supplementary Article/Info 2: for keystone connecting rod
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with cooling duct
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with piston ring carrier
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Netto price: $138.81 ($138.81 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $97.17 ($97.17 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs