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VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar

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VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar

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VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar

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Sealing compound VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of SEALING COMPOUND for VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar. K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a SEALING COMPOUND for a VOLVO S90 II (234) T5 Drive-E Polestar, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Title:Gasket, cylinder head cover
Weight  :0,10 kg


Colour: Orange
Observe mounting information: yes
Release Torque [Nm]: 7 Nm
Chemical Properties: not solvent-bearing
Chemical Properties: hardening
Capacity [ml]: 50 ml
Temperature range from [°C]: -55 °C
Temperature range to [°C]: 180 °C
Available as universal article as well, see article no.: 461.682 EL-Liq 74
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Netto price: $17.14 ($17.14 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -25% $12.85 ($12.85 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 12 pcs

General information

Title:Gasket, cylinder head cover
Weight  :0,09 kg


Colour: red
Observe mounting information: yes
Chemical Properties: not solvent-bearing
Chemical Properties: hardening
Capacity [ml]: 75 ml
Temperature range from [°C]: -55 °C
Temperature range to [°C]: 180 °C
Available as universal article as well, see article no.: 461.681 AFD 2018
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Netto price: $21.67 ($21.67 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -25% $16.25 ($16.25 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: Check