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VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460

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VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460

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VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460

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Other VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of OTHER for VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460. K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a OTHER for a VOLVO FM12 FM 12/460, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Brand: TRW Engine Component
Title:Valve keeper
Weight  :0,00 kg


Notches/Holes Number: 1
Valve Stem Diameter [mm]: 8 mm
Machining: Hardened
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Netto price: $1.62 ($1.62 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $0.97 ($0.97 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: > 25 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Title:Sensor, crankshaft pulse
Weight  :0,17 kg
Netto price: $68.95 ($68.95 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $48.26 ($48.26 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Title:Sensor, crankshaft pulse
Weight  :0,17 kg
Netto price: $81.19 ($81.19 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $56.83 ($56.83 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Title:Sensor, boost pressure
Weight  :0,04 kg
Netto price: $31.19 ($31.19 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $21.83 ($21.83 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Title:Unit Injector (UI)
Weight  :1,98 kg


Fuel Mixture Formation: Unit Injector System (UIS)
Netto price: $540.14 ($540.14 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $378.10 ($378.10 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Title:Oil Filter
Weight  :1,22 kg


Filter type: Side Stream Filtration
Filter type: Spin-on Filter
Height [mm]: 261 mm
Thread Size: 1 3/8" 16 UN
Outer Diameter [mm]: 108 mm
Gasket outside diameter [mm]: 103 mm
Gasket inside diameter [mm]: 93 mm
Quantity: 1
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Netto price: $23.52 ($23.52 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $16.46 ($16.46 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

0986018090 - BOSCH Starter

Remanufactured part  

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Weight  :19,85 kg


Exchange Part: yes
Voltage [V]: 24 V
Rated Power [kW]: 6,6 kW
Number of mounting bores: 3
Number of threaded holes:
Number of Teeth: 12
Clamp: 30
Clamp: 50
Clamp: 31
Flange Diameter [mm]: 92 mm
Rotation Direction: Clockwise rotation
Pinion Rest Position [mm]: 47,5 mm
Starter Type: Floating pinion
Bore Diameter [mm]: 13,5 mm
Bore Diameter 2 [mm]: 13,5 mm
Bore Ø 3 [mm]: 13,5 mm
Length [mm]: 407 mm
Position/Degree: links °
Mounting Angle [degrees]: 52 °
Mounting bore angle measurement [degree]: 52 °
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Netto price: $728.00 ($728.00 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $509.60 ($509.60 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

0986025450 - BOSCH Starter

Remanufactured part  

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Weight  :10,30 kg


Exchange Part: yes
Voltage [V]: 24 V
Rated Power [kW]: 5,5 kW
Number of mounting bores: 3
Number of threaded holes:
Number of Teeth: 12
Clamp: 50
Clamp: 31
Flange Diameter [mm]: 92 mm
Rotation Direction: Clockwise rotation
Pinion Rest Position [mm]: 47,4 mm
Starter Type: Floating pinion
Bore Diameter [mm]: 13,5 mm
Bore Diameter 2 [mm]: 13,5 mm
Bore Ø 3 [mm]: 13,5 mm
Length [mm]: 351 mm
Position/Degree: links °
Mounting Angle [degrees]: 67 °
Mounting bore angle measurement [degree]: 67 °
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Netto price: $542.57 ($542.57 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $379.80 ($379.80 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

0986039260 - BOSCH Alternator

Remanufactured part  

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Weight  :7,74 kg


Exchange Part: yes
Voltage [V]: 28 V
Alternator Charging Current [A]: 80 A
Fastening Type: Double Pivot Lever
Alternator Type: excl. vacuum pump
Rotation Direction: Anticlockwise rotation
Rotation Direction: Clockwise rotation
Length [mm]: 181 mm
Recommended additional repairs: V-Belt/V-Ribbed Belt
Pulleys: without belt pulley
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Netto price: $353.43 ($353.43 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $247.40 ($247.40 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 9 pcs

0986046290 - BOSCH Alternator

Remanufactured part  

General information

Brand: BOSCH
Weight  :7,68 kg


Exchange Part: yes
Voltage [V]: 28 V
Alternator Charging Current [A]: 80 A
Fastening Type: Double Pivot Lever
Alternator Type: excl. vacuum pump
Distance from belt pulley to alternator [mm]: 44,5 mm
Rotation Direction: Clockwise rotation
Pulleys: with multi-belt pulley
Number of grooves: 8
Belt Pulley Ø [mm]: 63 mm
Clamp: B+(M8)
Length [mm]: 217 mm
Recommended additional repairs: V-Belt/V-Ribbed Belt
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Netto price: $373.67 ($373.67 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $261.57 ($261.57 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs