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MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC

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MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC

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MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC

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Cylinder head MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of CYLINDER HEAD for MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC. K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a CYLINDER HEAD for a MAN E2000 33.460 DFLC, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Title:Cylinder Head + valves
Car:MAN Truck & Bus TGA E2000 F2000 Hocl Lion's Coach Neoplan Bus Cityliner Euroliner Trendliner Van Hool D2866LF* D2866LOH* D2866LUH* D2876LF* D2876LOH* Euro 2/3 1992+
Weight  :18,00 kg


Supplementary Article/Info 2: without camshaft(s)
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valves
Netto price: $804.38 ($804.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $563.07 ($563.07 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 12 pcs

General information

Title:Cylinder Head + valves
Car:MAN Truck & Bus TGA E2000 F2000 Hocl Lion's Coach Neoplan Bus Cityliner Euroliner Trendliner Van Hool D2866LF* D2866LOH* D2866LUH* D2876LF* D2876LOH* Euro 2/3 1992+
Weight  :14,40 kg


Supplementary Article/Info 2: without valves
Supplementary Article/Info 2: without camshaft(s)
For OE number: 51.03100.6053
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Netto price: $647.29 ($647.29 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $453.10 ($453.10 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Brand: BF
Title:Cylinder Head
Car:Man Truck & Bus F2000/F90/E200/TGA/Hocl/NG/NL/NÜ Lion's Coach Lion's Star Neoplan Bus Centroliner Cityliner Starliner Setra Solaris Urbino Van Hool D2840LF* D2842LE* D2865LUH* D2866LE* D2866LF* D2866LOH* D2866LUH* D2876LE* D2876LF* D2876LOH* 1994+
Weight  :14,20 kg


Material: Grey Cast Iron
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve guides
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve seats
Mounting Type: not pre-mounted
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 128 mm
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Netto price: $207.86 ($207.86 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $145.50 ($145.50 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Brand: BF
Title:Cylinder Head
Car:Man Truck & Bus F2000/F90/E200/TGA/Hocl/NG/NL/NÜ Lion's Coach Lion's Star Neoplan Bus Centroliner Cityliner Starliner Setra Solaris Urbino Van Hool D2840LF* D2842LE* D2865LUH* D2866LE* D2866LF* D2866LOH* D2866LUH* D2876LE* D2876LF* D2876LOH* 1994+
Weight  :14,85 kg


Material: Grey Cast Iron
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve guides
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve seats
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valves
Mounting Type: Fully assembled
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Netto price: $452.33 ($452.33 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $316.63 ($316.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Brand: BF
Title:Cylinder Head
Weight  :14,40 kg


Material: Grey Cast Iron
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve guides
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve seats
Mounting Type: not pre-mounted
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 128 mm
Number of valves: 4
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Netto price: $496.62 ($496.62 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $347.63 ($347.63 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Brand: BF
Title:Cylinder Head
Car:MAN Truck & Bus TGA E2000 F2000 Hocl Lion's Coach Lion´s Star Neoplan Bus Cityliner Trendliner Starliner Euroliner Van Hool D2866LF* D2866LFG* D2866LOH* D2866LUH* D2876LE* D2876LF* D2876LOH* Euro1/2/3 1994+
Weight  :15,30 kg


Material: Grey Cast Iron
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve guides
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valve seats
Supplementary Article/Info 2: with valves
Mounting Type: Fully assembled
Cylinder Bore [mm]: 128 mm
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Netto price: $712.95 ($712.95 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $499.06 ($499.06 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Brand: AMC
Title:Cylinder Head
Weight  :0,00 kg


For OE number: 51031006169
For OE number: 51031006690
For OE number: 51031006703
For OE number: 51031009703
For OE number: 51031016702
For OE number: 51031016739
For OE number: 51031016757
For OE number: 51031016774
For OE number: 51031019774
Supplementary Article/Info 2: without camshaft(s)
Supplementary Article/Info 2: without valves
Supplementary Article/Info 2: without valve springs
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Netto price: $697.24 ($697.24 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $488.07 ($488.07 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs

General information

Brand: DT Spare Parts
Title:Cylinder Head, air compressor
Weight  :0,00 kg


For OE number: 51.54114.6073
Diameter [mm]: 100 mm
Guarantee: 2 years guarantee
Net Weight [g]: 1452 g
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Your price: $0.00 ($0.00 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs