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Country Shipping method Shipping price (USD) Free shipping from (USD) Delivery time (business days) Deadline for same day dispatch Austria UPS Standard 12.41 (12.41 without VAT 0%) 208.58 (208.58 without VAT 0%) 2 15:00 CEST Belgium UPS Standard 12.41 (12.41 without VAT 0%) 208.58 (208.58 without VAT 0%) 2 15:00 CEST Belgium UPS Express 56.14 (56.14 without VAT 0%) N/A 1 15:00 CEST Bulgaria UPS Standard 30.95 (30.95 without VAT 0%) 742.86 (742.86 without VAT 0%) 3 - 5 15:00 CEST Croatia UPS Standard 41.04 (41.04 without VAT 0%) 680.83 (680.83 without VAT 0%) 2 - 7 15:00 CEST Czech Republic Self-pickup 0.00 (0.00 without VAT 0%) N/A N/A N/A Czech Republic PPL 4.29 (4.29 without VAT 0%) 78.71 (78.71 without VAT 0%) 1 - 2 15:00 CEST Denmark UPS Standard 14.13 (14.13 without VAT 0%) 235.73 (235.73 without VAT 0%) 3 15:00 CEST Estonia UPS Standard 32.85 (32.85 without VAT 0%) 547.03 (547.03 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Finland UPS Standard 27.67 (27.67 without VAT 0%) 460.45 (460.45 without VAT 0%) 4 - 5 15:00 CEST Finland UPS Express 81.71 (81.71 without VAT 0%) N/A 1 - 2 15:00 CEST France UPS Standard 18.79 (18.79 without VAT 0%) 310.90 (310.90 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Germany DHL 5.79 (5.79 without VAT 0%) 98.39 (98.39 without VAT 0%) 1 - 2 13:30 CEST Greece UPS Standard 29.76 (29.76 without VAT 0%) 952.38 (952.38 without VAT 0%) 4 - 6 15:00 CEST Hungary UPS Standard 23.00 (23.00 without VAT 0%) 389.61 (389.61 without VAT 0%) 2 15:00 CEST Ireland UPS Express 18.57 (18.57 without VAT 0%) 309.52 (309.52 without VAT 0%) 1 - 2 15:00 CEST Italy UPS Standard 23.00 (23.00 without VAT 0%) 389.61 (389.61 without VAT 0%) 3 - 5 15:00 CEST Latvia UPS Standard 17.86 (17.86 without VAT 0%) 547.03 (547.03 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Lithuania UPS Standard 14.29 (14.29 without VAT 0%) 511.61 (511.61 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Luxembourg UPS Standard 12.41 (12.41 without VAT 0%) 208.58 (208.58 without VAT 0%) 4 15:00 CEST Malta UPS Express 208.33 (208.33 without VAT 0%) N/A 1 - 5 15:00 CEST Netherlands UPS Standard 12.41 (12.41 without VAT 0%) 208.58 (208.58 without VAT 0%) 2 15:00 CEST Netherlands UPS Express 44.57 (44.57 without VAT 0%) N/A 1 - 2 15:00 CEST Poland UPS Standard 23.00 (23.00 without VAT 0%) 389.61 (389.61 without VAT 0%) 2 15:00 CEST Portugal UPS Standard 27.67 (27.67 without VAT 0%) 468.32 (468.32 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Romania UPS Standard 30.95 (30.95 without VAT 0%) 742.86 (742.86 without VAT 0%) 2 - 4 15:00 CEST Slovakia PPL 10.48 (10.48 without VAT 0%) 102.32 (102.32 without VAT 0%) 1 - 2 15:00 CEST Slovenia UPS Standard 23.00 (23.00 without VAT 0%) 389.61 (389.61 without VAT 0%) 2 - 3 15:00 CEST Spain UPS Standard 21.71 (21.71 without VAT 0%) 460.45 (460.45 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Spain UPS Express 68.10 (68.10 without VAT 0%) N/A 1 - 2 15:00 CEST Sweden UPS Standard 27.67 (27.67 without VAT 0%) 468.32 (468.32 without VAT 0%) 3 - 4 15:00 CEST Switzerland UPS Express 100.00 (100.00 without VAT 0%) 1,428.57 (1,428.57 without VAT 0%) 3 - 5 15:00 CEST United Kingdom UPS Standard 71.43 (71.43 without VAT 0%) 742.86 (742.86 without VAT 0%) 4 - 6 15:00 CEST
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